5 Technical Problems Big Sites Have with AngularJS

If you’re creating a big website with AngularJS, you have your work cut out for you. A Big site is a Large enough undertaking already, and AngularJS is something which doesn’t exactly make things any easier and in a simple manner. Due to your project’s large size, a number of problematic issues can arise during development that can seem impossible to fix. But if you have a team of experts then you will easily go through such problem. An Angularjs Development company usually have a team of experts and it deals with such problem can easily handle these hurdles. Here are some technical problems that usually people have with Large Sites using Angularjs: 1. The Code Organization When you have the expert team of angularjs then you will easily get an organized code. But if you want to start your own website in angularjs, then it is difficult in Angularjs. 2. Debugging Code It is difficult to debug the large sites, and it becomes mo...